The testers simplify 18th edition testing by having the latest fuse tables for Zs values built-in together with red and green LED indicators for instant pass/fail results.
Everything about the ET Series has been designed to save time and make testing easier, from the capability to display all results from an RCD autotest on one screen to the inclusion of useful Help menus at the press of a button. Even the soft carry case has been designed to enable testing without having to unpack and repack the instrument every time.
On connection the testers carry out an automatic polarity and wiring check identifying potentially dangerous wiring faults in advance of any testing.
Fast, reliable high current and non-trip loop testing comes as standard together with a high level of input protection and a CAT IV safety rating . Both models include phase sequence indication and TRMS voltage measurement to cover every job and ensure voltage levels can reliably be measured in all applications.
Both models are supplied with a full range of accessories including Martindale test leads with clips and prods all terminated with industry standard 4mm plugs. The slimline Martindale remote start probe with test button is included as standard allowing one handed measurement in those areas that are hard to reach